

Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanics Method Based on GAMESS in CHARMM by Milan Hodoscek (milan@par10.mgsl.dcrt.nih.gov,milan@kihp6.ki.si) Ab initio program GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) is connected to CHARMM program in a QM/MM method. This method is extension of the QUANTUM code which is described in J. Comp. Chem., Vol. 11, No. 6, 700-733 (1990). * Description / Description of the gamess commands. * Using / How to run GAMESS in CHARMM. * Replica path / How to run GAMESS/CHARMM with REPLICA/PATH. * Installation / How to install GAMESS in CHARMM environment. * Status / Status of the interface code. * Functionality / Functionality of the interface code. * Implementation / Implementation.
Top The GAMESS QM potential is initialized with the GAMEss command. [SYNTAX GAMEss] GAMEss [REMOve] [EXGRoup] [QINPut] [BLURred] [NOGUess] [FMO] (atom selection) REMOve: Classical energies within QM atoms are removed. EXGRoup: QM/MM Electrostatics for link host groups removed. QINPut: Charges are taken from PSF for the QM atoms. Charges may be non integer numbers. Use this with the REMOve! NOGUess: Obtains initial orbital guess from previous calculation. Default is to recalculate initial orbitals each time. FMO: Enable Fragment MO method with CHARMM BLURred: MM charges are scaled by a gaussian function (equivalent to ECP) Width of the gaussian function is specified in WMAIN array (usually by SCALar command) The value for charge is taken from PSF. Some values of WMAIN have special meaning: WMAIN.GT.999.0 ignore this atom from the QM/MM interaction WMAIN.EQ. 0.0 treat this atom as point charge in the QM/MM potential The atoms in selection will be treated as QM atoms. Link atom may be added between an QM and MM atoms with the following command: ADDLinkatom link-atom-name QM-atom-spec MM-atom-spec link-atom-name ::= a four character descriptor starting with QQ. atom-spec::= {residue-number atom-name} { segid resid atom-name } { BYNUm atom-number } When using link atoms to break a bond between QM and MM regions bond and angle parameters have to be added to parameter file or better use READ PARAm APPEnd command. Also note that QQH type has to be added in the RTF file (see test/c25test/gmstst.inp). If define is used for selection of QM region put it after all ADDLink commands so the numbers of atoms in the selections are not changed. Link atoms are always selected as QM atoms. If you see the following error in your output script: FNIDEL> Cannot find element type for number.... That means you either have wrong order in the ADDLink command or the atom that should be MM is in the QM selection. =======================================================================
Top In order to run GAMESS and CHARMM on parallel machines I/O of GAMESS and CHARMM was separated. This is now true even for scalar runs. CHARMM input scripts are the same as before except the addition of ENVIronment commands and GAMEss command itself. GAMESS commands are in a separate file which is pointed to by INPUT environment variable. Names of the files for GAMESS are specefied with environment variables as follows: use ENVIronment command inside CHARMM envi INPUT "test.gms" ! quotes needed for lowercase names envi OUTPUT "test.out" envi PUNCH "scratch/test.dat" envi DICTNRY "scratch/test.F10" envi WORK15 "scratch/test.F15" envi DASORT "scratch/test.F20" or use (t)csh setenv INPUT test.gms setenv OUTPUT test.out setenv PUNCH scratch/test.dat setenv DICTNRY scratch/test.F10 setenv WORK15 scratch/test.F15 setenv DASORT scratch/test.F20 or ksh,sh,bash export INPUT = test.gms export OUTPUT = test.out export PUNCH = scratch/test.dat export DICTNRY = scratch/test.F10 export WORK15 = scratch/test.F15 export DASORT = scratch/test.F20 For complete information about GAMESS input see INPUT.DOC file in GAMESS distribution. (NIH: ~milan/gamess/hp/INPUT.DOC) Example: -------- GAMESS commands have to be in a separate file. Example for the GAMESS input follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $CONTRL COORD=CART NOSYM=1 NPRINT=-5 ! This is rarely changed SCFTYP=RHF ICHARG=0 ! This usually has to be changed RunTyp=Gradient ! Normally forces are needed ! RunTyp=Energy ! If only energy is needed $END $SYSTEM MEMORY=1000000 ! memory allocation TIMLIM=100000 $END $BASIS GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 $END $SCF DIRSCF=.True. $END ! DIRSCF=.true. recommended ! if there are convergence problems ! try SOSCF=.FALSE. $DATA ! This can be empty $END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The above is for 6-31G calculation of any neutral molecule. $DATA section may be left empty or filled with basis set information in the case when it cannot be specified by the $BASIS keyword. [NOTE: For more examples look at test/c25test/gmstst.inp] ==========================================================
Top Replica/Path method (parallel/parallel setup) --------------------------------------------- Running GAMESS/CHARMM interface with Replica/Path method needs few additional steps: - GAMESS/CHARMM must be compiled with the parallel functionality. Make sure that the GENCOMM keyword is in pref.dat. (Run CHARMM interactively and type pref). - The number of processes must be equal to number of replicas multiplied by an integer (1,2,3...). This ensures that each replica is an independent process. If the factor is more than 1, it means each replica will run itself in parallel (parallel/parallel). - GAMESS control file (the one assigned to the INPUT environment variable) must be linked the number of replica times. Each symbolic link must have _<int> appended to the original name: ln -s test.gms test.gms_1 ln -s test.gms test.gms_2, etc the number of links must be greater or equal to the number of replicas - The path to the above link must be absolute. This depends on the way CHARMM is run in parallel. For example for MPICH library one must use the following command: charmm -p4wd /data/rpath/reaction -p4pg 20cpus < inp > out The /data/rpath/reaction must be the same on all the processes, either exact copies or NFS mounted. - The gamess output files have also _<int> appended to their names.
Top Installation ------------ Look at the GAMESS home page for instructions how to obtain the code. Installation itself cannot be automated yet so one has to follow this procedure (if there are any problems ask milan@cmm.ki.si): 1. Put all the source (*.src and *.c) files in source/gamint/gamess 2. Follow instructions in the begining of the gamess.src file, to change: C ----- CHARMM INTERFACE ----- C TO USE GAMESS FROM INSIDE OF CHARMM, YOU MUST C 1. INITIALIZE KCHRMM JUST BELOW TO 1 C 2. CHANGE "PROGRAM GAMESS" ABOVE TO "SUBROUTINE GAMESS" C 3. CHANGE THE "STOP" STATEMENT BELOW TO "RETURN" C 4. DELETE DUMMY SUBROUTINES -CHGMIU- AND -CHMDAT- BELOW C 5. CHANGE -MXCHRM- FROM 1 TO 25120 IN ALL PARAMETER DEFINITIONS C FOUND IN GAMESS,GRD1,INPUTB,INPUTC,INT1 MODULES 3. install.com <machine-type> <size-keyword> Q <other-options> The compile scripts are available for the following platforms: T3E, T3D, IBMRS, IBM/SP, SUN, SGI, HP-UX, Convex SPP, DEC alpha, PC/Linux with 3 compilers (Absoft, f2c, g77) ==========================================================
Top GAMESS/CHARMM interface status (July 1996) - Parallel version is fully functional - I/O including standard input and output are separated for GAMESS. - All CHARMM testcases are still OK when CHARMM is compiled with GAMESS inside. - GAMESS, CADPAC and QUANTUM keywords cannot coexist in pref.dat - MNDO, AM1, PM3 hamiltonians work only in pure QM calculations. No QM/MM energies and derivatives with this wavefunctions yet. - GAMESS recognizes atoms by their masses as specified in the RTF file
Top The following methods work with the GAMESS/CHARMM (from GAMESS INTRO.DOC file) I. A wide range of quantum chemical computations are possible using GAMESS in the CHARMM MM field, which 1. Calculates RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB, or MCSCF self- consistent field molecular wavefunctions. 2. Calculates CI or MP2 corrections to the energy of these SCF functions. 3. Calculates analytic energy gradients for all SCF wavefunctions, plus closed shell MP2 or CI. 4. Optimizes molecular geometries using the energy gradient, in terms of Cartesian or internal coords. 5. Searches for potential energy surface saddle points. 6. Computes the energy hessian, and thus normal modes, vibrational frequencies, and IR intensities. 7. Traces the intrinsic reaction path from a saddle point to reactants or products. 8. Traces gradient extremal curves, which may lead from one stationary point such as a minimum to another, which might be a saddle point. 9. Follows the dynamic reaction coordinate, a classical mechanics trajectory on the potential energy surface. 10. Computes radiative transition probabilities. 11. Evaluates spin-orbit coupled wavefunctions. 12. Applies finite electric fields, extracting the molecule's linear polarizability, and first and second order hyperpolarizabilities. 13. Evaluates analytic frequency dependent non-linear optical polarizability properties, for RHF functions. 14. Obtains localized orbitals by the Foster-Boys, Edmiston-Ruedenberg, or Pipek-Mezey methods, with optional SCF or MP2 energy analysis of the LMOs. 15. Calculates the following molecular properties: a. dipole, quadrupole, and octupole moments b. electrostatic potential c. electric field and electric field gradients d. electron density and spin density e. Mulliken and Lowdin population analysis f. virial theorem and energy components g. Stone's distributed multipole analysis 16. Models solvent effects by a. effective fragment potentials (EFP) b. polarizable continuum model (PCM) c. self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) II. A quick summary of the current program capabilities is given below. SCFTYP= RHF ROHF UHF GVB MCSCF --- ---- --- --- ----- Energy CDP CDP CDP CDP CDP analytic gradient CDP CDP CDP CDP CDP numerical Hessian CDP CDP CDP CDP CDP analytic Hessian CDP CDP - CDP - MP2 energy CDP CDP CDP - C MP2 gradient CD - - - - CI energy CDP CDP - CDP CDP CI gradient CD - - - - MOPAC energy yes yes yes yes - MOPAC gradient yes yes yes - - C= conventional storage of AO integrals on disk D= direct evaluation of AO integrals P= parallel execution III. The methods listed above which don't have analytic gradients are not available for CHARMM minimizations and dynamic calculations. IV. The following are available only in the pure QM calculations: 1. Calculates semi-empirical MNDO, AM1, or PM3 RHF, UHF, or ROHF wavefunctions.
Top Implementation -------------- This is for version 1 MAY 2012 R1 of GAMESS or later: The DDI (Distributed Data Interface) library is used by parallel GAMESS. Normally GAMESS uses the simplified emulation of the full DDI library implemented in the CHARMM interface (source/gamint/ddi.src). However some of the methods (like parallel MP2) require the original version of DDI, which can be used by specifying DDIMPI keyword in the pref.dat file. Also the libddi.a from GAMESS distribution has to be put to build/gnu/mpi directory. Must be compiled with XXLARGE charmm (360720 atoms). The following files need to be removed from gamint/gamess directory: vector.src The following files need to be renamed in gamint/gamess directory: ewald.src -> ewaldgms.src nmr.src -> nmrgms.src The following files are modified from original GAMESS: gamint/gamess/eigen.src gamint/gamess/gamess.src gamint/gamess/grd1.src gamint/gamess/grd2a.src gamint/gamess/guess.src gamint/gamess/inputa.src gamint/gamess/inputb.src gamint/gamess/inputc.src gamint/gamess/int1.src gamint/gamess/iolib.src gamint/gamess/mccas.src gamint/gamess/prpel.src gamint/gamess/prppop.src gamint/gamess/prplib.src gamint/gamess/qrel.src gamint/gamess/rhfuhf.src gamint/gamess/scflib.src gamint/gamess/unport.c gamint/gamess/zunix.c Some changes for CHARMM interface into upstream version of the GAMESS still didn't made it so contact milan@cmm.ki.si for more info or see http://ala.cmm.ki.si/gamess/20120501.1 or for older versions at: http://ala.cmm.ki.si/gamess